Good News Club is a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship® in which trained teachers meet with groups of children in schools, homes, community centers, churches, apartment complexes, just about anywhere the children can easily and safely meet. Each week the teacher presents an exciting Bible lesson using colorful materials from CEF Press®. This action-packed time also includes songs, Scripture memory, a missions story and review games or other activities focused on the lesson's theme.
Can we really teach the Bible in public schools? Yes! The Gospel has been taught freely in public schools all over the world for some time. Now children in the U.S. have that opportunity, too! In 2001 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Good News Clubs v. Milford Central School that Good News Clubs can meet in public schools in the United States after school hours on the same terms as other community groups.
What is taught in Good News Club? Each week an exciting Bible lesson using colorful materials from CEF Press is presented. This action-packed time also includes songs, Scripture memory, a missions story and review games or other activities focused on the lesson's theme.
Who teaches a Good News Club? Christians who are concerned for boys and girls work together volunteering their time and energy to teach Good News Club. They are trained by Child Evangelism Fellowship to have a club that is exciting and informative so that children will want to keep coming. Teachers are asked to sign the CEF Statement of Faith and agree to abide by the policies of the organization. Adults working with the program are screened according to our child protection policy.
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Take vacation Bible school on the road with 5-Day Club®!
High quality teaching materials, action packed fun and loads of
relationship building make 5-Day Club one of the most fruitful ministry
events of the year.
Take your ministry to the kids; don't wait for them to come to church.
Think of the places where kids spend their time during the summer;
community centers, daycares, parks and summer school. These are
the places your church will want to minister through the 5-Day Club.
The 5-Day Club meets once a day for five days. Churches have had
great success with choosing three locations in nearby neighborhoods to have a week of 5-Day Club. On the last day of the week they often have a rally or special event at their church. The relationship building that has taken place all week long helps bring the children and their families to the church.
Evangelistic Bible lessons, high-energy games, meaningful songs are all part of what makes a 5-Day Club a memorable experience for the children and the volunteers! Most churches send their mission-minded teens to Christian Youth In Action® training where they learn to teach a Bible lesson, counsel a child for salvation, teach a missionary story and songs. CEF will provide a strategic plan, training, materials, background screenings and coaching for your team.
Interested in hosting a club? Fill out this form and we will contact you!